Tiny Halloween Linocuts by Hannah Mason
These tiny linocut prints are perfect for adding a little spookiness to any room!
Ghost: Ghost stories have been told since ancient times and continue to chill listeners to the bone today. This little ghost will happily haunt any corner of your home.
Wait Until Dark: Inspired by things that creep in the night through shadowy corridors and dark alleys. The candle lights your way, but who is holding it?
Bat: Bats have appeared in many horror stories, but the most famous is undeniably the tale of Dracula. Pictured flying through a starry sky, this little bat would love a spot on any shelf to roost in.
Haunted House: This old, creaky house is home to a group of ghosts unafraid to make their presence known. Who knows what else lives inside?
Skeleton: Skeletons are classic Halloween imagery. Personally, they terrified me as a child because of the taxi cab driver, Benny, from the Disney classic Halloweentown.
Pumpkin: Carving pumpkins is a must when October rolls around, however, they don’t last on the porch long. This little Jack-o-lantern is happy to grin at you for as long as you’d like, spoil-free.
Moth: There’s a pair of eyes looking at you from the dark tunnel you discovered behind your dusty bookcase…*gasp!* a moth comes flying out of the darkness!
Hocus Pocus: Inspired by three sister witches who came back from the dead on Halloween night. “It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus!”
Measures 2″ x 2″.
Made of paper.
Printed in Utah.
@petitemaisonprints on Instagram.
Linocuts are printed by hand so slight variations and chatter may occur from print to print.