High & Low
High & Low is the start of a happy conversation around the dinner table. It is a way to talk about the good and bad that happen daily or weekly throughout the years, but also a place to record them. We believe in meaningful dinnertime conversations. Intentional conversations, sometimes lead to the best discoveries.
Talking about the “highs” and “lows” of our day helps us to be more grateful in the long run. We especially love to use it when we have guests for dinner as a way to remember the visits and make them feel right at home in our family. While we may not get to sit down at the table for dinner every night or have time to do this every time we sit down to dinner, the nights we do get the chance are always sweet.
Each page has a place to the date, each person’s name, their “high”, and their low. It also has a place to write what you had for dinner. On the reverse of each page is just a random question that lets you laugh and talk about a myriad of things. So while the food may just last the evening, we want the memories and this book of records to endure, which is why we have the decorative tin to store in.
A tradition to be used at a weekly dinner. The calendar contains areas to record the high and low moments of each week, as well as discussion, and prompts to encourage conversation.
Set of a 52-page journal with prompts, silkscreened linen bag, heirloom tin, and instructions.
Measures 9″ x 9″.
Made of tin and paper.